Monday, October 21, 2019
Qualitative Research Assignment Essay Essays
Qualitative Research Assignment Essay Essays Qualitative Research Assignment Essay Paper Qualitative Research Assignment Essay Paper 1. Was there a clear statement of the purposes of the research? Yes. In the article. the purpose of the research was to understand the experience of participants. their cognition about type 2 diabetes. and the factors of medicine attachment in Malaysia. Harmonizing to Susan ( 2010 ) . the five constituents of PICOT are population. issue. context. result. and clip. Harmonizing to Al-Qazaz et Al ( 2011 ) . the PICOT was presented by the research worker in the survey were. Phosphorus: Type 2diabetes patients with receiving of hypoglycaemic medicine. I: Identifying participants’ perceptual experience. and their cognition about type 2 diabetes disease and medicine. Degree centigrade: USM clinic of Malaysia. where the survey took topographic point. Oxygen: It helps people populating with type 2 diabetes to hold a diverse apprehension by associating with other people’s experiences. Thymine: March and April of 2009. Qualitative PICOT is a model to assist in explicating effectual clinical inquiry in a step-by measure mode ( Melnyk and Fineout. 2010 ) . 2. Is a qualitative methodological analysis appropriate? Yes. Qualitative research is to analyze a person’s behaviour and lived experiences related to what is being studied in the research ( Denzin and Lincoln. 2011 ) . The cardinal features of qualitative survey in this article included a little sample size. in-depth interview ( semi-structured ) . research worker affecting during interview. non comparings and non numerical. In qualitative survey. sample size are normally little that achieve in-depth apprehension of the experiences or feeling of the participants ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . Meanwhile. a semi-structured interview was used to roll up informations by gulling participants’ thoughts originating until no more new subjects emerging. Harmonizing to Polit and Beck ( 2012 ) . semi-structured interview can supply rich and elaborate information during phenomenon survey. In this survey. a phenomenological attack was used to depict the purpose of the research. It is to understand the experiences of diabetic patients in Malaysia. and research their cognition about the medicines that they have been taking. Harmonizing to Judith ( 2007 ) . qualitative research is characterized by its purposes to understand the experiences and attitudes of patients. In brief. a qualitative methodological analysis is appropriate to this research. 3. Be the research design appropriate to turn to the purposes of the research? Yes. Harmonizing to NCBI ( 2014 ) . a Phenomenological survey can likely research participant’s lived experience. beliefs about the efficaciousness of the medicine. side-effects of drug and participants’ attachment to the intervention government. By the square. in this article. the purpose is to understand the participants’ experience and research their cognition and medicine attachment related on type 2 diabetes. Therefore. phenomenological attack is appropriate to turn to the purposes of the research. The advantages of Phenomenological survey is to uncover patients’ beliefs and experiences by a flexible manner to research the respondents’ attitude. and leting deep understanding about cognition and feeling of participants ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . However. its restriction is that samples are frequently little set and the research workers are non trying to generalise the findings. 4. Be the enlisting scheme appropriate to the purposes of the research? Yes. The research worker recruited participants from USM clinic and who were diagnosed type 2 diabetes while taking on hypoglycaemic medicines through a convenience sampling. Harmonizing to HRDAG ( 2013 ) . convenience sampling is to enroll participants from a peculiar clinical scene during informations aggregation of a qualitative research. Furthermore. convenience sampling is easy and efficient to pull out the greatest possible information from the new instances in the sample. until there is no new informations could be obtained and the redundancy of informations impregnation was achieved ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . However. convenience sampling may non be a preferable sampling in qualitative research due to unable to convey out the most information-rich beginnings and the representative of the population ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . In this article. the information was merely obtained in one specific clinic. that would impact the credibleness of consequence. such as the inauspicious effects of medicine. and the satisfaction rates from wellness suppliers. It would be better if the research worker usage purpose trying into the survey. Purpose sampling is to take participants based on specific intents. and it is chiefly used in qualitative research ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . it can accomplish representativeness of the population and provide credibleness of the consequence. because the research worker will non merely concentrate on one clinic during enlisting of participants. 5. Were the informations collected in a manner that addressed the research issues? Yes. A semi-structured interview was developed for informations collection of the research. Semi-structured interview is a paper-based interview usher which contain open-ended inquiries and the participant to follows ( RWJF. 2008 ) . Furthermore. Semi-structured interview provide rich. elaborate information in the phenomenon survey ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . In the survey. the research worker has described in-depth interview to research patients’ beliefs and experiences. Besides. a consent signifier was signed by participants before interview. a direct Tell phone contact for set uping a clip of interview. Further more. all the interview has been audiotaped. and the research worker did line by line analysis and coding the information to place the cardinal subjects. The research worker interpreted to the participants who could non understand English during the interviewing by interpreting from a staff nurse to avoid prejudice that might impact the findings. In short. the informations collected were to the full addressed the research issue of this survey. 6. Have the relationship between research worker and participants been adequately considered? Yes. Qualitative research workers need to develop a strong relationships with participants in the survey to set up credibleness ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . In the article. all the participants were informed the intent of this survey. and a consent signifier was signed by each of them. The research worker besides made phone call to set up clip and topographic point that participants would wish to take for each interview. Besides. they are allowed to show their ain positions at the clip of interview. From the analysis above we can see the participants have been to the full respected by the research worker to derive their trust. Therefore. the relationship between research worker and participants has been adequately considered in this survey ( Al-Qazaz et al 2011 ) . However. there was no reference about reflexiveness by the research worker in this article. Harmonizing to RWJF ( 2008 ) . it described that reflexiveness is a procedure usage to exam researcher’s relationship to the respondent that refers to how the researcher’s values. beliefs. familiarities and involvements influence his/her research. It would be better if it is mentioned about how the research worker located herself or himself in the survey. the readers can place how it affect the information obtaining. that will derive the findings of the research to be more believable ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . 7. Have ethical issues been taken into history? Yes. In the survey. a regard for human self-respect was to the full presented based on informing the participants about the intent of survey. administering a consent signifier. and a direct phone contact before interview. The participants have been to the full respected by the research worker to profit every bit good as the individual’s rights. Besides. they are allowed to show their ain positions at the clip of interview. and the participants can take topographic point where they feel more convenience to be interviewed. It gave researcher a opportunity to research the depth-richness informations from participants. and heighten the participants’ liberty and namelessness in the survey. Further more. the survey was besides approved by the local moralss commission. In short. the ethical issues have been taken into the survey every bit good. There was no coercion could be found in the survey. However. the research worker did non advert about the confidentiality and how was data protected. Besides. they did non advert how many times participants understanding were checked before the consent signifier given. Harmonizing to Polit and Beck ( 2012 ) . it is described that it must cover with ethical issues if the surveies affecting human existences. because the human rights must be protected. 8. Be the information analysis sufficiently strict? Yes. In the survey. the research worker has described clearly that a transcript of 12 audiotaped in-depth interviews were dual checked for its truth. And the research worker identified the emerging subjects via line by line informations analysis and coding the relevant content informations into classs until the informations impregnation was met and no more new informations emerging from the interviews. Harmonizing to Polit and Beck ( 2012 ) . informations impregnation is a measuring of sample size that based on informational demands under the survey. It is to accomplish the cogency of informations analysis until no more new information can be obtained. However. the research worker failed to advert about member checking in this survey. It is non clear whether the research worker asked participants to reexamine and notice on the instance summaries or bill of exchanges of the research study. It will consequence the credibleness of the information. Harmonizing to Polit and Beck ( 2012 ) . member look intoing defined as the research worker confirm their informations truth by supplying a feedback to the participants during informations are being collected to guarantee that participants’ significance were understood. and it is for heightening proof of the research. Further more. the research worker mentioned their informations were analyzed by utilizing agencies of a standard content analysis model. Its purpose was achieved by a appropriate phenomenological design in this survey which have been discussed in inquiry two. Furthermore. the asperity and cogency can besides ensue in developing trustiness of qualitative research. and the five standard for rating the trustiness in the research include in credibleness. dependableness. confirmability. transferability. and genuineness ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . In the survey. a phenomenological design was conducted with a semi-structured interview of informations aggregation. and coding method for informations analysis. this can be sufficiently proved its credibleness. dependableness. and confirmability. Therefore. it can be said the information analysis of this survey is sufficient strict. 9. Is at that place a clear statement of findings? Yes. Four major subjects were clear stated in the survey which included ( 1 ) . Participants’knowledge about type 2 diabetes and its medicines ; ( 2 ) . Side-effects of medicines ; ( 3 ) . attachment issues ; ( 4 ) . relationship with household on wellbeing ( Al-Qazaz et al 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Polit and Beck ( 2012 ) . the research workers interpret the information by rereading. categorizing and cryptography. so developing a information analysis to indicate out the subjects into a incorporate whole. In this survey. the research worker used qualitative design to see progressively the transferability of the findings to reflect the true experiences of the participants. It is relevancy and accurately from the information. and give reader thought to the deductions of the survey for future research and pattern. Meanwhile. the research worker are in the best place to show their restrictions what they have been cognizant from the survey. Consequently. it told readers that the rese arch workers have done what they could make to vouch the findings were clearly and accurately every bit good. 10. How valuable is the research? The intent of qualitative research findings was described to research participants’ experiences to develop a specific nursing intercession for bettering a better results of patients. and as a potentially applicable grounds influencing in future pattern ( NCBI. 2011 ) . Overview this survey. a phenomenological attack that explore the purpose of the research. it is to understand the experience of participants. their cognition about type 2 diabetes. and the factors of medicine attachment in Malaysia. Besides. it allows a deep apprehension about cognition and feeling of participants ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . Furthermore. a semi-structured interview was used to supply rich and elaborate information during the survey for its cogency ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . Further. a convenience trying recruited participants and pull out the greatest possible information to accomplish informations impregnation for its cogency. Meanwhile. the ethical issues has been taken into history by the research workers to profit every bit good as the individual’s rights. On the other side. the research worker demonstrated their restrictions what they aware of the survey to heighten the findings more clearly and accurately. Sing quantitative findings. it is non generalizable that can be applied to full populations. nevertheless. it is generalizable in a manner this peculiarly pertinent to nursing pattern in which there is an outlook that scientific determination. and supply cognition about human experiences to readers for future research. Thus it can be seen. the research is rather valuable. Decision Critical assessment is a procedure to judge weather a research is usefulness or its findings are trusty ( Young and Solomon. 2009 ) . The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme ( CASP ) produced a simple critical assessment checklist usher people developing their accomplishments what they need to do sense of scientific grounds ( Burls. 2009 ) . All of above. by following the CASP checklist in quantitative research. it was presented a Randomized Controlled Trial Appraisal Tool. to measure the effectivity of intercession. a big sample size and a blinding to accomplish the dependability of the result and prevent prejudice. a intention-to-treat analysis to compromise the cogency of the survey. Furthermore. generalizability of the survey can be patterns in other states and helpful for farther survey. However. in qualitative research. the CASP is helped to understanding people’s lived experience and research participant’s experience of taking the drugs. beliefs about the efficaciousness of the drug. side-effects and the attachment of intervention government. A phenomenological method has been used in the qualitative survey through a semi-structured interview. convenience sampling and coding to uncover patient’s beliefs and experiences. and leting apprehension of the cognition and get bying schemes in which the quantitative research is unable to cover. More. in this qualitative survey. sample size is tend to be little. and the determination is non generalized ( Polit and Beck. 2012 ) . Both of research workers have considered cogency. findings. and its relevancy. However. in the qualitative article. if the research worker usage a intent trying method and reference about reflexiveness and member checking during informations aggregation. that will heighten cogenc y of the findings to be more accurate. Mention 1. Aveyard H and Sharp P ( 2009 ) A Beginner’s Guide to Evidence Based Practice in Health and Social Care Professions. Glasgow: Open University Press. 2. Al-Qazaz H. 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